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What is your source?

...a trauma


This is a big challenge for purpose-driven entrepreneurs who have experienced trauma.

Yes, it is true the fear of not being enough can drive us to make a difference in the


Or to want to prove our value and worth.

But it is not always a good thing…

Check out yesterday’s email for the list of negative effects.

Another big downfall is, the pressure we put on our business and our clients…

To be the source of our success, happiness, value and worth.

The pressure we put on ourselves will literally kill us, if we take it to far.

The pressure we put on our business, is also enough to kill it.

It reminds me of a child holding a cute baby bunny and squeezing it to death…

Because “its just SO CUTE”!

We have a tendency to choke the life out of things…

When we make it responsible for justifying our very existence.

It may surprise you but…

Your clients are not your source of income…

Your business is not your source of success…

Your partner is not your source of love.

Your SOURCE is your source…

THE Source is your source of all things.

When we can finally look at our life purpose as the medium…

Like a paintbrush, we are blessed to create with…

We can have fun in the creation process…

And relieve our clients…

Our business…

And our relationships…

From all the pressure we have put on them.

This doesn’t come easy…

Healing is required first.

Talk therapy alone does not work.

Somatic healing is required.

It does not have to take a long time.

If you are a Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur…

Who knows you have unhealed childhood trauma that is holding you back,

From achieving what you are here to achieve.

The time is now.

The world has waited for you long enough,

And now it needs your light, untarnished.

If I PROMISED you that I will completely eliminate the trauma responses,

In just 8 weeks…for just an hour of your time per week…

So you can finally achieve the revenue you need to pursue your purpose unfettered…

So you can finally stop procrastinating, self-sabotaging, and guilt-tripping yourself…

And so you can finally fulfill your heart’s goal with joy and light:

Would you take me up on that offer?

Sending Love,


Rebecca Dawn

Vibe Mentor