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Procrastination - Avoidance

Hi my beautiful friends!

I was in a car accident in March and it taught me a lot about trauma and avoidance.

I was driving a drive that I had driven probably a thousand times…

And at least 7 times a week.

I was approaching an intersection that was a relatively new layout…

Due to highway expansion.

The intersection looks normal, but it doesn’t feel normal.

People behave strangely.

While my attention was focused on the white truck on the left…

Doing something strange…

The old lady in the black car to my right pulled out in front me…

And I SMACKED right into her.

No one was injured… but my nervous system was a mess.

It shook me far greater than I ever would have anticipated.

I experienced an acute stress response for a few weeks and have since recovered.

It took longer to recover than it should have because…

I was avoiding going through the intersection where the accident happened.

My nervous system recovery was delayed by my avoiding the intersection…

And I didn’t even realize it…

Until one day when I walked into my therapist office.

The accident had happened on my way to see him.

So I was triggered every Thursday at 12:40 pm…

When I got into the car to go to my therapy appointment.

I didn’t like the flashbacks that were happening when I drove that way so…

I thought “I will just avoid the intersection”.

But when I did, I would feel even more triggered and shaky but I didn’t realize…

It was the avoidance of the intersection that was causing the problem…

I was so relieved to discover this!

All I had to do was face the thing I was avoiding!

You see, when we avoid things that trigger us…

We give power to the trigger and the trauma.

Like the boogie man under the bed.

As long as we refuse to look under the bed, the monster will grow bigger and bigger.

Which is actually good news!

All we have to do is look under the bed!

Drive through the intersection!

Or do the thing that we are afraid of and avoiding…

So many aspiring purpose-driven entrepreneurs avoid the intersection…

Between the old life in the debt slavery system and…

The new life of freedom, impact and wealth.

And what happens? We give power to the very thing we fear.

Of course we can’t beat ourselves up over it…

No one told us that what we are really avoiding is the trauma from our childhood.

The parent who also criticized you and told you how big of a problem you are…

Or the person that asked “who do you think you are”...

Or the peer who made fun of you and made you feel like an outcast…

That is what we are really avoiding when we avoid starting our purpose-driven


And no amount of will power will overcome that monster under the bed…

But facing it, looking at it and healing it with my somatic trauma spotting method will!

You do not have to live in that prison anymore!

If you are a Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur…

Who knows you have unhealed childhood trauma that is holding you back,

From achieving what you are here to achieve.

And you want to help change the world…

The time is now.

The world has waited for you long enough,

And now it needs your light, untarnished.

If I PROMISED you that I will completely eliminate the trauma responses,

AND certify you in Trauma Spotting

In just 8 weeks…for just an hour of your time per week…

So you can finally achieve the revenue you need to pursue your purpose unfettered…

So you can finally stop procrastinating, self-sabotaging, and guilt-tripping yourself…

And so you can finally fulfill your heart’s goal with joy and light:

Would you take me up on that offer?

If so, join us for the More Than Enough Mastermind starting June 6th!

Sending love,

Rebecca Dawn, VIBE mentor